10 Unbelievable Hand Sanitizer Facts You may not be knowing| Media Tech|


 Washing your hands with soap and water is always Best. What if Soap and water not available?

  • Only washing your hands will not kill invisible germs, bacteria, and viruses.
  • Sanitize them with alcohol-based hand sanitizer after washing hands.
  • They are so much useful when water is not available.
  • Many healthcare studies have found that sanitizers with an alcohol concentration between 60-95% are more effective at killing germs than those with an lower alcohol concentration or non-alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
  • Non-alcohol-based hand sanitizers merely reduce the growth of germs rather than kill them outright whereas alcohol-free hand sanitizer kill germs and bacteria completely.

Do you know the Correct steps for use of Hand Sanitizer? 

  1. Take a coin sized drop of sanitizer on your palm
  2. Spread sanitizer all over your palm
  3. Rub each of your palm with other hand
  4. Rub hands until they become fry.

Are Hand Sanitizers Really That much Effective?

  • Many studies have shown that hand sanitizers work well at places like hospitals where hands come into contact with germs but generally are not heavily dirty or greasy.
  • Some studies also have shown that hand sanitizers may work well against certain types of germs on slightly soiled hands.
  • However, hands may become visibly soiled or dirty at some places such as while playing sports, working in the garden, go for camping or fishing.

Hand Sanitizer isn't a Cure-all soap substitute

  • While hand sanitizer are quicker and easier than soap and water, they don't replace proper washing.
  • The CDC recommends using hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  • Hand sanitizers may not replace hand washing, but let's face it plenty of people don't wash their hands properly anyway.
  • Dispensers placed at the strategic locations around the building can reduce the spread of infections.
  • When purchasing for your school or workplace, look for products with 60-95% concenteration and added moisturizers.


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