Amazing Facebook Facts You didn't Know| Media Tech|

Al Pacino was the first "face" on Facebook:

  • A vey early iteration of the site displayed a header image featuring a man's face obscured behind binary code.
  • For the first time his face was not clear, but it later came to light that the face was that of acclaimed actor Al Pacino.

Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, was the first major investor to back Facebook:

  • Thiel, a luminary in the startup and venture capital worlds, saw the site's potential and invested $500,000 into the young company in 2004.
  • This later sold his stake in the company for than $1 billion.

Facebook stores approximately 300 PETABYTES of user data on its servers:

  • There are 1 million gigabytes in a petabyte.
  • The entire written works of humankind, in every known language from the dawn of recorded history, would occupy approx 50 petabytes.

In 2014, the alleged global economic impact of Facebook was approximately $227 billion.

  • However, this statistic has been called in question by several leading economists.
  • Whether you buy Facebook's data or not, there's no doubt that Facebook has had a serious impact on economies around the world.

Facebook's user base grows by Eight people per second, or 7,246 people every 15 minutes.

  • Some naysayers have foretold of Facebook's impending demise, but aside from boasting the largest user base of any social network in the world by a gigantic margin, this static proves Facebook is still growing.

There are now more than 2 million active advertisers on Facebook.

  • The popularity, impact, and cost-effectiveness of Facebook ads has made the site on of the most popular online advertising platforms in the world, and its upward trajectory seems likely to continue.

Facebook earns an average of $5.85 for every Facebook user in the Unites States and Canada.

  • These two countries also have among the highest monthly active users of any country in the World, making North America a vitally important market for Facebook.

People are Most Active on Facebook at 8 a.m. & 10 p.m.

  • If you're a businessman or a marketer looking to advertise on Facebook, it's best to stick to morning and evening posts

3/4 of Facebook Users Visit the Site Daily.

  • 51% reported they visit the site more than once a day, according to Pew Research 


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