Interesting Facts about Water you must know| Media Tech|

  • If all of the water vapour in our planet's atmosphere fell as water at once and spread out evenly, it would cover the globe with about an inch of water.
  • Newborn babies have even more, ringing in at 78% water.
  • An inch of H20 covering one acre (27,154 gallons) weighs 113 tons.
  • 97% of the water on Earth is found in the ocean; 2.5% is unavailable fresh water and 0.5% is available freshwater.
  • More than one-quarter of all bottled water comes from a municipal water supply the same place that tap water comes from.
  • Since the average faucet releases 2 gallons of water per minute, you can save up to 4 gallons of water each day.
  • There are around 1 million miles of water pipeline and aqueducts in the U.S. and Canada, enough to circle the globe 40 times.
  • The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION says 2 gallons per person daily to meet the requirements of most people under most conditions; and around 5 gallons per person daily to cover basic hygiene and food hygiene needs.
  • On average, an American resident uses about 100 gallons of water per day
  • It takes 2.6 gallons of water to make 17 ounces of plastic.
  • Americans use 5 times the amount of water that Europeans use.
  • A small drip from a faucet can waste as much as 75 liters of water every day.
  • Water is the only substance on earth found naturally in three forms: liquid, solid and gas.
  • A trillion tons of h20 evaporated by the sun daily.
  • In canada there is more underground water than the surface.
  • Canada is home to 25% of the world's wetlands. In fact, it's the the largest wetland area in the world.
  • Our bodies are 60-70% water; our brains are 75% of water; our lings are nearly 90% water; and our blood is about 82% water.
  • Freshwater withdrawals for agriculture exceed 90% in many countries: Cambodia 94%, Pakistan 94%, Vietnam 95%, Madagascar 97%, Iran 92%.
  • NASA has discovered water in the form ice on the moon.
  • It takes 25 liters of water to make 1 bottle of Beer.
  • The hottest sea water is in the persian gulf. It is 35 degrees centigrade.
  • A seagull can drink saltwater as it has special glands to filter out the salt.


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